
Tables are useful for organizing information into a grid of cells. To make sure a table is accessible, it is important to keep it fairly simple. If your table is complex, with split or merged cells, consider dividing the information into multiple tables if possible. In order to assess complexity, imagine hearing the information over the phone. Can the it be understood without a visual aid?

/! Strong Recomendation: The AODA Team strongly suggests that tables are purely used for tabluar data and not for layout. If you require assistance in terms of layout, please speak with your Web Manager/Site Owner for assistance.

Using Tables in Drupal

  1. Start by selecting the table button in the Drupal text editor.

    Highlight of the table button in the Drupal text editor

  2. The following dialog box will appear. Enter the appropriate number of rows and columns.

    Table properties dialog box

  3. Using the drop-down Headers menu, select your preference for column and row headers. This will bold the text in the selected cells.

  4. Add a caption to the table. This will serve as its title.
  5. Add a summary if appropriate. This is useful if the table is meant to convey certain findings that can be briefly summarized in text.
  6. Click OK. The empty cells will appear in the Drupal text editor for you to fill in:

    Empty table cells

  7. Click Save.

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